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Defeater discography added to Soundsupply drop


Soundsupply has made a drop this month featuring Defeater’s entire discography.  Travels, Lost Ground, Empty Days & Sleepless Nights,  and  Letters Home are all offered in both digital and physical formats for an incredibly low price. The drop is a dream come true for fans of the band looking to own the entire discography on disc or vinyl, but also a great way for newer fans to catch up on previous releases pretty cheaply.

The drop will also donate a portion of every purchase toward vocalist Derek Archambault’s crowd funding campaign. Archambault is raising money to undergo  an expensive hip replacement surgery. Without insurance, the procedure will costs upwards of $50,000 to be paid in full on the day of the surgery. So far, the campaign has reached 85% of its goal, with a little over a month until the campaign ends. Once the surgery is completed, Archambault plans to return to touring with Defeater. The campaign is offering a new EP and as well as a few merch items in return for donations.

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