I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love

Released: 04.08.16
Review by
Emillie Marvel
| April 8, 2016 at 4:00 PM

Why should I wake when there’s so much at stake?”

After The Ready Set’s first label release, 2010’s I’m Alive, I’m Dreaming, we waited four long years for another full length from the electro-pop solo act. During that time, we were oh so patient for an album that 2014’s The Bad And The Better didn’t quite become, but now that I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love is here, our perseverance is finally being rewarded. This was the album that was always meant to be released, we just had to wait a little longer than we thought.

This isn’t to cast TBATB in harsh lighting (personally, I’ve spent quite a few days dancing to it’s summery pop tracks), but now it seems more like an interlude than the natural progression of Jordan Witzigreuter’s tunes. IWBNWYL is a fresh start built from past influences and life lessons (more on that here). While the electronic fundamentals of TRS’s past are back and stronger than ever, with  club worthy drops and serious keyboarding, indie influenced distant vocals and dreamy vibes prove that while Witzigreuter’s original vision is in place, he’s still moving forward.

There’s certainly no lack of high energy (looking at you, “Concrete”), but slow moments are unusually abundant compared to past versions of The Ready Set, with tracks like the astral “Should We Go Downtown” and boyband-style, inspirational closer “See You”. Still, the most out of left field offering on the collection is “No Love”, a collaboration with pop rock act Jule Vera. Island sounds are laid on heavy and will have you wondering if “electro-reggae” is a thing.  

New attributes don’t mean giving up on the old, however, because Witzigreuter’s 400 word per minute rapping (seriously, when do you breathe?) and awe-inspiring falsettos are back and better than ever. His ability to write catchy melodies like nobody’s business didn’t take a vacation either, and as always, twice as many lyrics than expected are packed into each song. Reinspired ideas catapult his sound into the stars, while everything you’ve always loved about a TRS album keeps his feet on the ground.

Buy It, Skip It, Stream It: Buy It. We tried to rate it an 11/10 but WordPress refused.

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