Lovely, Little, Lonely

The Maine
Released: 04.07.17
Review by
Emillie Marvel
| April 1, 2017 at 10:00 AM

“You won’t be alone again.”

Here’s to now, and to nothing else, because The Maine’s Lovely, Little, Lonely is finally here. Ever since the band started 8123 and took their career into their own hands, they’ve been leaving listeners speechless with each new release—but if they can figure out how to top this one, it’ll be time to crown them the kings of alternative rock.

To preface my review, I’m going to leave you with a tip: When you hit play on the album, don’t turn it on in passing. Grab your headphones, find a quiet space, don’t skip any tracks, and let The Maine have your whole focus for the entire twelve song tracklist. The moment it begins, your heart already knows the songs. Like finding someone you click with immediately, LLL is a vital part of your life from first track, “Don’t Come Down”.

If you were a fan of the band’s latest single, “Do You Remember (The Other Half of 23)”, you’re going to absolutely f*cking love this collection. It doesn’t sound like American Candy, and it doesn’t sound like Forever Halloween, but it does sound exactly like The Maine should sound at this moment in time. “Taxi” reminds you The Maine is what 90’s alternative rock might’ve been if it survived to 2017, “The Sound Of Reverie” leaves no doubt that they’ve stepped up their game, and the beat of “Lost In Nostalgia” can be felt in your entire being.

The album’s title comes from three of its shorter tracks, “Lovely”, “Little”, and “Lonely”. Abstract offerings that speak straight to the emotion in John O’s words, the songs feel like a dream, and also like The 1975.

With an album like this, it’s impossible to say which tracks are the “best”, so instead, I’ll say that my favorite offerings are held toward the end of the collection. “I Only Wanna Talk To You” feels like a rainy day, with a darker vibe than its companions. The guitar work alone is enough to bring you to happy-tears, and when it’s paired with the personal and direct delivery of the chorus, life might never be the same.

As soon as final track “How Do You Feel” takes the stage, you can sense the impending end of the collection. It sounds like the sun setting, and all the potential the night can hold. Pat’s drumbeat makes sure it’ll go off live, and if they don’t end at least one set with this song, I’m starting a petition. If there were a summary of what Lovely, Little, Lonely is, and where The Maine are in their careers, this would be it.

When you have high expectations, it’s easy to be let down, unless those expectations are placed on The Maine. While I was expecting something incredible, I had no idea the album would leave me so filled with emotions after just one listen—luckily, no one knows how to put emotions into words like The Maine. Like the lyrics they’ve left with us said, I never knew how much I was getting into. Yet again, they’ve moved forward into a whole new world of music that makes you feel something without giving the past a second thought, because there’s nothing back there for you or me.
Buy It, Skip It, Stream It: Buy it on every platform. You’re in for something good, something new, and something that will never leave your heart.


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