Released: ..
Review by | February 16, 2016 at 12:00 PM

“An unlocked door is questioning I hear no footsteps in my head I threw flowers on your casket, they were purchased by my friends The lack of company is killing me I know this sorrow too shall pass, but now it’s time to make my bed.”

Toronto’s Like Pacific  is pissed off. Distant Like You Asked  is full of up-tempo anthems, lyrical spite, and overall heart–a huge leap forward from their debut self-titled EP, their latest reveals the five piece has more to offer.

The record opens with standout track “Richmond” featuring a rapid vocal pace set by singer Jordan Black. The band is at their strongest when trying different verse structures and vocal rhythms. Their first single, “Distant”, follows and has one of the strongest choruses on the record. A mix of Fireworks guitar work and The Story So Far intensity in delivery, Like Pacific offers the listener a hybrid of their favorite bands. Halfway through the album, the band hits a stride with “22a”, a melody driven song dealing with the loss of a loved one. A lot of lyrical themes on the record almost shine in vagueness, where what’s said between the lines is what reaches you. Still, Black’s visceral rasp is at it’s best when belted behind powerful statements, and sometimes the shouts lose their meaning from overuse. This shouldn’t deter new fans from cranking “Dim” at high volume, with it’s excellent instrumentation and catchy chorus.

Distant Like You Asked is a solid addition to the modern catalogue of pop punk. They have the potential to grow and break the mold their contemporaries set them in, and that, I am truly excited for.

Buy It, Stream It, or Skip It?:  Stream it. Toronto’s finest deliver pop punk anthems. Add “Dim”, 22a”, and “Richmond” to your next Spotify playlist.