
Figure Eight
Released: 02.10.17
Review by
Emillie Marvel
| February 10, 2017 at 10:00 AM

I’ve been waiting for so long to feel like this.”

In a world of disarray and a political system that’s surely failing us, the first thing this world needs is soul-saving punk rock. Lucky for us, it’s been a great year for music already, and Figure Eight’s new four song collection is no exception.

A spoken “forever” launches you into the EP head first. Pure punk rock energy and organic guitars assault your ears in the best way possible, accompanied by the kind of “IDGAF” energy that can send any song into rock and roll territory.

There’s no doubt the duo have incorporated tinges of the modern pop punk scene, but they’ve included them in songs that would probably beat the crap out of other modern pop punk songs. The vocals are another stand out quality from the four songs, simply because you haven’t heard anything like them before. It’s unique, it’s good, and it sets Figure Eight apart from the crowd.

The collection ends with “October”. The song sounds like the end of summer, and the end of an album, and also kind of calls to mind what The Front Bottoms would be like if they had grown up on the Buzzcocks.

Bands like Figure Eight are why Warped Tour was started, why record labels launch, and why every generation there’s a whole new group of kids piling on eyeliner and ripped jeans in search of a place they belong. They’re the kind of band you believe in, and this is the kind of collection you’ll love Forever.

Buy It, Stream It, Skip It: Buy it, because you know there’ll never be enough punk rock in your collection.

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