Whats up Bitch Slap Radio Fans! Its Thursday, and we dont give a fuck! BOO YEA!
Tonight on the show we talk about NFL, and NBA stars getting a little rowdy in interviews, and on twitter. Lets face it its cool to be a bad ass in a 140 characters!
Then on the show we talk about how stupid some old people can be, look lady when I’m backing up out of my parking spot don’t stand behind my car and stare!
Drew, and John both return to the studio tonight! We plan on rubing it hard in Drew’s face that Michael Vick let him down in the playoffs, and why he needs to bend over and take it
Also on the show tonight we talk about why smart people are always depressed, and the mentally challenged always seem to be smiling!
This and so much more on tonights Dont Give a Fuck thursday!
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