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Full Frontal

The Top 20 things we learned from Full Frontal this year


It’s been quite the year for Full Frontal. Two seasons, a Christmas Spectacular, and a lot of debauchery. We’ve put together a very educational list of what we have learned from the show this year.  Feel free to add your own favorite moments in the comments!

1. All Time Low can’t do accents.

01 Accents

2. How to successfully get drunk.ATL-Drinking-Game

3. Even you can be an American Hero.03 American Heroes

4. Prank phonecalls are still funny.04 Prank Calls

5. Almost everyone is #SmarterThanJack…

6. …Almost everyone.06 Almost Smarter

“Which author wrote Oliver Twist and Great Expectations?” – Alex
“John Green, maybe?” – Caller

7. You can’t get pregnant if you eat bacon.07 Bacon

8. Jack thinks of Alex as the Jar Jar Binks of the band.08 Jar Jar Binks

9. Alex thinks of himself as more of a Jabba The Hut.09 Jabba

10. The elbow’s connected to the knee face…10 Skeleton

“It’s like the song for a Picasso painting”

11. Shrimp is referred to as an abomination four times more than homosexuality in the Bible.11 Gay

12. Justin Bieber is paying $250,000 to go into space. All Time Low is donating $250,000 to leave him there.12 Bieber

13. In Natoma, Kansas, it’s illegal to throw knives at men dressed in striped suits.13 jack

14. If given the choice between being a puppy, or switching gender every time he sneezes, Alex would change gender.

15. Halloween is a dangerous time.15 Halloween

‘What are you for Halloween?”
“I’m banned from most neighborhoods.”

16. Alex and Vic have something special.16 alexandvic

“Could you see yourself loving another man?” – Alex
“No, I have strong feelings for you.” – Vic Fuentes

17. Meth is bad, Alex is worse.17 thiscouldbeyou

“We’re looking for a new lead singer. Someone that isn’t such a fucking loser and watches man shows like Breaking Bad, and creates their own meth, maybe.” – Jack

18.  Never take cooking lessons from Danny Kurily.

“Heat the oven until it’s bakeable.”

19. The best time to see a Mom?18b joyce19 Childhood

“You knock, and then you use your key. I don’t know why you would knock and then use the key. You open the door, and then I realize immediately why you knocked. It’s because your Mom was fucking vacuuming in her underwear. Like it’s something she did every god damn day at 3 PM.” – Alex
“God bless her. She’s a saint, man.” – Jack

20. Alex’s first man crush.20 Man Crush

“When I first saw the music video ‘Mmm-Bop’, I thought the middle brother was a girl. And I will admit that I was like ‘That’s a babe.’ Maybe my tendencies were shining through.”

by Alex Bear, Emillie Marvel, and Alexa Gallo

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