Fall Out Boy’s new album So Much (For) Stardust is finally here, but the band have given us so much more than just a wonderful new collection of songs.
They have given us something that we never thought we would see.
Making an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and as well as playing “Hold Me Like A Grudge” for the first time, the band were part of an Audience Suggestion Box piece. One audience member said that they love both chickens and Fall Out Boy, so wondered if there was anybody who could put the two together and cluck along to the tune of the band’s classic track “Sugar, Were Going Down”.
Well, there was only one way that it could be done.
In full chicken attire, Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz and Andy Hurley, along with Jimmy Fallon, did exactly what it said on the label. Clucked their way through the first verse, the bridge and the chorus of one of the best pop-punk songs ever as Cluck Cluck Boy. And they absolutely killed it, with Patrick even managing to get some of his signature soul into each cluck.
What a world, eh?
And here is “Hold Me Like A Grudge” performed as Fall Out Boy as seen in the song’s brilliant new easter-egg-filled video: