The pain that comes with heartbreak is something most of us can relate to. However, there is a feeling just as relatable but so much more freeing: Realizing that the heartbreak was one of the best things that could have happened to you.
KINGS sums up that exact feeling in a beautiful way with her new song “ur a good bye”. She talks about her own experience with a broken heart, saying, ”‘ur a good bye’ is an upbeat pop tune that is about a boy I was way too close to dating in 2020. I couldn’t realize it in the moment, but this relationship was so toxic in every way possible.” The fun beat and strong guitar riffs she pairs with the lyrics incredibly captures the emotional release that comes with letting go of pain. “ur a good bye” has a sweet clarity to it and makes you want to hit repeat. When the chorus hits you’ll suddenly spring up out of your seat, jumping up and down. The pop-charged energy that flows through every sound is stronger than your fourth cup of coffee.
She goes on to say, “The after effects of this heartbreak left me with lots of music to write. Writing ‘ur a good bye’ really helped close this painful chapter for me. From then on, I wanted to take this mess of a relationship and turn it into a message of how someone leaving can positively impact your life.”
After the past year’s heartbreak that a lot of us have felt in one capacity or another, you may struggle to know how to move forward. Artists like KINGS remind us that it is possible to find positivity again. The power KINGS holds in her voice, lyrics, and ability to make catchy music is truly captivating. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to dance around your room to a song that can express that uplifting thought of not letting moments from your past hold you back.
“The only thing I want people to feel when hearing this song is free. Free of a toxic person or just free of a hard season of life. I want my listeners to be able to blast this song while driving with the windows down and sing the lyrics out as if they had written them. If this song can be a part of someone healing from a hard place in life, then it’s worth it,” she says. KINGS has succeeded in capturing that freeing feeling in a song you can jam to all summer long.
Fun Fact about “ur a good bye”:
“The song originally had a completely different title, as well as different lyrics at the end of the chorus. Honestly, I loved both versions, but my co-writers and I settled on ‘ur a good bye’ being the best version of the song. Another fun thing about this process was the chorus of screaming vocals we originally had in the song. I had a few of my close friends come to the studio with me & sing/scream the chorus of the song as if we had an audience of people singing along with me. It was definitely one of the most fun vocal sessions I’d ever had.”
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