phem is back with another self-referential and effortlessly honest piece of alt-pop wonderfulness.
It’s called “slippery slope” and speaks about how one moment can send you into one hell of a spiral. In this case, it’s centred around an interaction that phem had with someone from their first label whilst working in a mini-mall.
It speaks about the realities of trying to make it through the day even though you are on the verge of success, and how such a moment can make your brain feel like you’ve unravelled all of your hard work. It also hints at how you have to wear multiple masks in life, showing off different sides of yourself to loads of different people.
All wrapped up nicely in a euphorically deafening beat, it’s a real beauty.
phem had this to say about it:
“one time i was working at this place, it was in a mini mall… in the valley… i won’t say what it was cuz it doesn’t fkn matter anymore… and i had just signed my first deal… but i still had no money…. and in walks the person that wasn’t the CEO of the label but like their right hand … big top dog…. someone u wanna look cool for, impress etc- and who i had just met maybe a week earlier…. —— “phem?? what are u doing here???” —- anyways i said hi and pretended i didn’t work there and ran into the back and snuck away , hid until they left …. then i got in my car and called my gf at the time sobbing with embarrassment… and anger….. i was really ffuxkn angry… why did i have to be so unlucky and so lucky at the same time & furthermore why was she so shocked… ya i was grinding hard to make shit happen the & had to wear multiple masks on the daily – so like why was the bitxh so shocked. if it’s so alarming to u lady, u should’ve given me a bigger bag”
It follows on from “never goes down like that” featuring ezekiel, which sounds like this:
phem will also be supporting Avril Lavigne alongside girlfriends on her upcoming tour in the UK and Europe.