by Cub

The concert that remodeled my brain was definitely Måneskin at The Anthem (Washington, DC) on December 5th, 2022. I’ve loved Måneskin ever since Eurovision and I was so excited when I got the tickets; I got giddy just thinking about it.
This concert was a beautiful send-off to a rather hard year and I couldn’t have asked for better. Before the is started it was a little rocky—I did my eyeliner in a CVS using the glasses rack mirror—and when we rushed back to the venue and got into our line, we heard the concert was a little late in getting set up so we would have to wait…45 minutes of waiting in the cold.
As soon as we got inside, I rushed to the front and stood right at the barrier—let’s just say, I was ecstatic. When the concert finally started I was blown away. Måneskin opened with their song “Kool Kids” and oh my god. Thomas and Victoria’s guitar playing, Ethan’s drumming, and Damiano’s raspy voice…I was in love.

Needless to say, I had an amazing time. I banged my head, Jumped up and down ‘til my feet were numb, and screamed so hard I actually lost my voice. They let people from the audience on stage, which I had never seen before at a show and it made me happy to see everyone have fun.
The crowd was so energetic and I felt a very “We’re in this together, I got water, pasties, and earplugs if you need” vibe, which made me feel again, very happy. This whole concert was amazing. I didn’t feel overstimulated which sometimes gets to be a problem at concerts, but even with all the strobe lights (which they gave a warning at the door, thank you ♡) and loud noises, I found myself having a better and better time. The whole concert was about 2 hours bordering 3 but it didn’t feel long.
Also, their crowd work is amazing—from crowd surfing to running through the barriers, I’ve never felt closer to another artist. Overall this was one of my all-time favorite concerts and to anyone debating seeing them: I strongly recommend going, it was an experience I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. ♡
The Tour That Defined Me:
Måneskin – The Anthem (Washington, DC) 2022