Metal act Like Moths To Flames has set fire to the scene with two new singles via UNFD. The tracks, “Paradigm Trigger” and “Angels Weep,” are the group’s first releases of 2024. The duo songs stick to their classic, heavy sound.
Vocalist Chris Roetter explains that “Paradigm Trigger” is about a terrifying sensation when we’re the most vulnerable while in bed and “stuck in a levitate[d] state of sleep paralysis. Including a lot of feelings of anxiety, it’s meant to represent the feeling of being stuck.” That theme is translated in the song with a spooky, spider-like guitar effect while Roetter screams about the terrors of being stagnant with no way out. He says that the feeling manifests into “Desperately wanting to run from everything you’re falling into, but somehow you always end up back in the same place.”
With a softer intro that builds into fast riffs, “Angels Weep” initiates the tale that unfolds throughout the song. Roetter says, “The track tells the story of a man who finds himself a place in a dense dark forest. Something about it resembles heaven, but more or less has become a place where God and angels collectively go to die. A place that’s desolate and empty, hopeless and lacks any promise of getting better.”
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The common themes of despair, escapism, and fear give fans a taste of what this next journey for the Ohio act might be. “I Found The Dark Side Of Heaven” came out in May last year, with their last full-length release in 2021. What can fans expect from them? From the looks of their new bio on Spotify, it’s time to get ready for the “year of the moth.” These double singles are just a taste of what these metal staples have in store for listeners this year.