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The Wonder Years – The Gunz Show – Interview with Soupy Campbell of The Wonder Years

Exclusively on The Gunz Show, Soupy announces that tomorrow, a new pre-order is going up for a new The Wonder Years release; a split 6-inch with the band Stay Ahead Of The Weather. It is NOT a split 7-inch, but a split 6-inch. The first pressing is only 1,000; three colors. It will likely be out in April.

“They recorded a song, we recorded a song, this was last year. We were talking for so long about how bad we wanted to put this split out, but it never found the right timing… it’s finally happening, it goes on sale tomorrow… The songs are obviously killer.”

“There’s no retail push, there’s nothing behind it. This is how we used to do records.”

In the interview, Soupy also talks about the previously announced split 12-inch, consisting of each band on The Glamour Kills Tour covering each other’s songs.

“It’s totally different takes on everyone’s song. You know, we made an acoustic song electric, Evan (Into It. Over It.) made an electric song acoustic, et cetera et cetera. We did this pre-order for it, but we did it with this company called Artist Arena, who I think are used to doing Justin Bieber tours… so I don’t think they cared a whole lot about us. Not in like a mean way, but in like a, “I have to deal with fucking like The Biebs right now, shut up whoever you are.” … and so the pre-order didn’t go 100% as planned, and we wanted it to be anyone who wanted to get a record could get a record and a ticket. Didn’t work out that way, so we are going to have those on the tour. There will be super limited numbers, like really limited numbers. But we will have the splits on the tour to buy.”

Soupy goes on to say, “It’s three songs on each side, everybody covering each other, exclusive just to this record, it’s not going to be on iTunes, it’s not going to be on a CD later, you’re not going to be able to buy it in stores one day.”

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