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The Dangerous Summer – The Gunz Show – Interview with AJ Perodomo of The Dangerous Summer

My buddy AJ of The Dangerous Summer calls in and talks about being home form a long stint on the road, as well as speaking about Tyler rejoining the band for the upcoming album and more!

“Tyler’s been doing his own thing; he got an apartment with his girlfriend and, you know, living the dream. He just kind of parted ways to go and take care of his life like everyone should be able to. His door to us is always open, so every time he says, “I’ve got some time where I can do this,” we’re like, “Hell yeah!” and we fit it into our schedule. He said he can start writing with us again … so we’re writing a new album, which we’ve already been working on. Actually, I’ve been sitting in my basement … writing all day. We’re just starting to try to put together the pieces – and right now it kind of is pieces, because we’re a different band than we were when we first started. First, you start the band and you all play together and you keep going, but we’re all getting lives as we get older… We write our pieces and we come together in front of the band, and we all present our own ideas now. We write songs differently, and I think it’s going to help us a lot, honestly.”

In terms of when the album will be released, Perdomo said that he hopes for a release date early next year.
