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bonnie fraser is angry (and that’s a good thing)

I think about what influences artists a lot. That might seem like a “well, yeah,” from the guy who does a show dissecting metal and hardcore artists’ musical inspirations, but the reason I do that is because it’s how I think. I often wonder about what inspires the artists as people. Not so much where they get ideas; as Neil Gaiman said, “I make them up, out of my head.” No, it’s a step before that. What gets artists into that space where they can create?  “Inside, I was angry as fuck at the world, obviously, so that’s where the… Read more »


Stand Atlantic & Polaris Team Up For New Single, “CRIMINAL”

The alternative Australian music collab of your dreams is here. Stand Atlantic teamed up with Polaris to fuse metalcore and pop-punk in their new single “CRIMINAL” with a corresponding music video. The track is set to appear on Stand Atlantic‘s forthcoming record WAS HERE, due out August 23 via Hopeless Records. “’CRIMINAL’ is a small insight into how it can feel to be in this industry. It sometimes feels like you gotta keep your life a certain level of fucked up so you can make art that comes from a real place,” Stand Atlantic vocalist Bonnie Fraser says. “I found… Read more »


Stand Atlantic “LOVE U ANYWAY” On New Single

With only a few short months standing between us and the highly anticipated new Stand Atlantic album, WAS HERE, the Aussie darlings have treated fans to the mesmerizing allure of their latest single, “LOVE U ANYWAY.”  Accompanied by a swoon-worthy music video, “LOVE U ANYWAY” delivers a double dose of intoxicating passion that’s as irresistibly sugary-sweet as it is captivating. Departing from their signature pop-punk sound, Stand Atlantic unveils a softer side in “LOVE U ANYWAY,” showcasing the versatility and depth of the four-piece. With its infectious melodies, the track marks an exciting new chapter on WAS HERE. “‘love u… Read more »


Devin Papadol Of Honey Revenge Adds A Punch To Stand Atlantic’s “GIRL$”

Honey Revenge frontwoman Devin Papadol has surprised fans with an updated “open verse challenge” of Stand Atlantic’s recent collaborative single, “GIRL$.” The original track features fellow Hopeless Records labelmate Lynn Gunn of PVRIS and BRUSES. The new addition to the song adds a punch of poppy feminine aggression. “I love this song,” Papadol writes in her Instagram caption. “So I did my best to pay homage to the original verse.” The meaning behind “GIRL$” showcases love and appreciation for queer women. Stand Atlantic vocalist Bonnie Fraser explains, “I wrote it for anyone who’s ever felt squashed by the strange and… Read more »


Stand Atlantic Taps PVRIS And Bruses For “GIRL$” Collab

Stand Atlantic, with the help of their “girls, girls, girls,” PVRIS’ Lynn Gunn and Bruses, is reclaiming the power of the male gaze in a satirical and refreshing way. Today, the female-led powerhouse trio has unleashed the liberating new collaborative track, “GIRL$.” “I feel like the message of the song speaks for itself,” Stand Atlantic frontwoman Bonnie Fraser shares. “I wanted to show my appreciation for women and, personally, my experience growing up knowing I was attracted to women but still feeling like I had to fit the mold of the male gaze, just based on the way I was… Read more »


Stand Atlantic Releases New Track “WARZ0NE”

Stand Atlantic is prepared for battle with their new single, “WARZ0NE.” The track marks their first release of the year, and they’re showing no signs of slowing down. “WARZ0NE” aims at people who hide behind their screens while attempting to target and hit those in the spotlight with hatred. “I have been advised many times I shouldn’t respond to hate comments online,” says frontwoman Bonnie Fraser. “So, I just wrote a song about it instead.” Aggressive vocals from Fraser call out negative comments but finally said aloud versus typing words out on a keyboard. The ending chorus drips in anger… Read more »

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