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Amyl And The Sniffers Drops “U Should Not Be Doing That” Video

Amyl And The Sniffers just dropped not one, but two new singles today, May 21: “U Should Not Be Doing That” and “Facts.” This marks their first release since their 2021 LP Comfort To Me. “U Should Not Be Doing That” is also accompanied by a vibrant music video, glitzy punk-rock guitar lines, and empowering lyrics. “I’m working on my worth/I’m working on my work/I’m working on who I am/I’m working on what is wrong what is right and where I am/I know my worth, I’m not the worst you told me once I was,” Amy Taylor sings. Check out… Read more »


7 Female Punk Artists Leading The Genre

As we commemorate International Women’s Month, it is essential to recognize and appreciate women’s remarkable talent and invaluable contributions to the punk music scene. Women-led punk bands have been making waves for years, but their impact has been particularly significant in recent times, owing to their exceptional musical prowess, electrifying live performances, and inspiring lyrical messages. Women have proven that they are more than capable of holding their own in a predominantly male-dominated genre and have, in many cases, surpassed many of their male counterparts in terms of creativity, originality, and musical skill. It is high time that we give… Read more »

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