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Origami Angel Unleash Two New Singles From Forthcoming ‘Feeling Not Found’ Album

Ahead of the arrival of their fourth studio album, Feeling Not Found, scheduled to drop on September 28 via Counter Intuitive, Origami Angel has unleashed two new singles, “Dirty Mirror Selfie” and “Where Blue Light Blooms.” Bleeding together at the three minute and 43 second mark of the video, “Dirty Mirror Selfie” and “Where Blue Light Blooms” offer a throughline to the duo’s punchy pop-punk/emo amalgamation. “Dirty Mirror Selfie” is a playful, steady track with a strikingly placed guitar breakdown courtesy of guitarist/vocalist Ryland Heagy. While the latter opens through mesmerizing drum work via Pat Doherty that acts as the… Read more »


Napster Sale to Bertelsmann Blocked by U.S. Court

A U.S. court hammered the final nail in the coffin of maverick music service Napster on Tuesday when it blocked a bid by German media group Bertelsmann AG to buy the one-time cult and now defunct Web site. Killing off a deal to revive the bankrupt service that millions of fans used to swap music over the Internet, a U.S. bankruptcy court rejected Napster’s sale to Bertelsmann after record labels and songwriters opposed the deal, saying the offer price was not fair. Faced with no financing, no revenues and no other buyers, Napster said it would most likely be forced… Read more »


New Economy: Musicians Press Point In Online Rift

For years recording artists and the executives who promote their work have had a love-hate relationship. Executives at recording companies, which make billions of dollars a year distributing music on compact discs and in other formats, say their business is risky and they should be compensated for taking chances on young talent. Recording artists, for their part, have long grumbled that companies are too controlling, lining their pockets by exploiting musicians unschooled in business. Now, while the debate in the music industry has focused on how recording companies should deal with the public online, the controversy has also reheated long-simmering… Read more »

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