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Say Anything stream Hebrews

Say Anything are streaming their upcoming album, Hebrews, over on Spotify one week before the official release date (June 10th). The record features guest musicians including Tom DeLong, Aaron Weiss, and Keith Buckley.


Paramore Talks Their Favorite Records In New Interview

Everyone has their favorite record, song, and artists they live for. That also includes the Grammy-winning trio Paramore. BrooklynVegan interviewed the 2024 Record Store Day Ambassadors about what they love listening to. As emo staples, it completely makes sense that one of the first records vocalist Hayley Williams bought was from another iconic act. “Thursday’s Full Collapse, on white vinyl,” she explains in the interview. Drummer Zac Farro jumps in that while he doesn’t fully remember what his first vinyl purchase was and says it might’ve been one of many albums from The Beatles. He also recalls what CD he… Read more »


Tuesday Ten: Coolest Song Endings

It’s easy to close a song by repeating the chorus or slowly fading the music out, but every once in a while a song comes along whose ending takes you somewhere completely unexpected.


Tuesday Ten: Bands We Wish Would Reunite

2013 was the year of the reunion, with everyone from Fall Out Boy to Knapsack teaming back up with their old bandmates, whether it was for a one-off anniversary tour or a full-blown comeback. Still, even with all of those reunions, there are still a handful of bands left who we wish would bless us with one last tour or some new music. Here are the top ten bands we wish we could see a reunion from – no matter how impossible our dreams may be.

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