Get ready to fill your Friday with Mississippi music. Clayton Waller, the man behind Rock Eupora, has a new single ready for your ears and he’s bringing it to first.
“What I mean by “Love Won’t Last Forever” is that love is more than just the bubbly feelings during the honeymoon phase. To me, true love is a commitment to being there for somebody regardless of the circumstances. It’s an equally beautiful and terrifying thing. It’s part of why I’m resistant to long-term commitments, dating, marriage, etc. But also, I think unconditional love is something everyone desires to some degree.”
From the age of five, Walker has been tuned into music making. His adulthood has brought us his solo project Rock Eupora and the breakout album Blanks, along with his second release Soon The Sun Will Come. His latest single, “Love Won’t Last Forever”, comes from his upcoming second collection, and can be heard below!