Simple Plan and Bowling For Soup Talk Touring, The Pandemic and MORE!
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Jaret Reddick

Jaret Reddick is best known as the singer/ songwriter for the Grammy-nominated pop-punk band Bowling For Soup. He is the voice of Chuck E Cheese, as well as the character Danny on Phineas and Ferb, a show which he also sang the theme song. He is in two other bands, Jaret & Kelly and Jarinus. And has another weekly podcast called Jaret Goes To The Movies. But his greatest achievement remains his 3 kids!

Gary Wiseman

Gary Wiseman is the drummer for pop-punk legends Bowling For Soup. His “off the road” life is much different than you would expect from a rockstar who has toured the world for over 20 years. Gary is a successful realtor where he lives in the suburbs of north Dallas. He & his wife have two kids, ages 2 & 9. In his spare time, he and Jaret like to golf and solve the world’s problems while standing in a swimming pool.

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