
7 Female Punk Artists Leading The Genre

As we commemorate International Women’s Month, it is essential to recognize and appreciate women’s remarkable talent and invaluable contributions to the punk music scene. Women-led punk bands have been making waves for years, but their impact has been particularly significant in recent times, owing to their exceptional musical prowess, electrifying live performances, and inspiring lyrical messages. Women have proven that they are more than capable of holding their own in a predominantly male-dominated genre and have, in many cases, surpassed many of their male counterparts in terms of creativity, originality, and musical skill. It is high time that we give… Read more »


Rock's Power Women Celebrated in New Exhibition

The rock world’s top 20 female icons are celebrated in a photographic exhibition opening at Britain’s National Portrait Gallery Monday. The exhibition, “She Bop,” was inspired by former music journalist Lucy O’Brien’s book “She Bop II: The Definitive History of Women in Rock, Pop and Soul.” Exhibits range from rocker Chrissie Hynde to soul diva Dusty Springfield and disco queen Madonna ( news – web sites). “Female artists haven’t been given the recognition that they’ve deserved and I felt there was a whole history of women to be written to chart how big a part women have played in popular… Read more »

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