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A Burning Issue: Music Piracy And Downloads – Feature

Popular music has been upended by every technological advance from electricity and the phonograph to cassette tapes and recordable CDs. The switch from analog to digital accelerated the pace of illicit duplication and distribution, sounding the loudest alarm yet. As Napster struggles to survive, other sites from Gnutella to KaZaa are filling the void. Last week, labels and music publishers sued Audiogalaxy, a booming file-swapping network that lured 3.5 million users in March. The complaint: The Recording Industry Association of America, on behalf of labels, is vigorously seeking to stamp out proliferating Web sites that permit free downloads of music.… Read more »


Small Record Labels Say Radio Tunes Them Out

It’s a safe bet that most radio listeners have never heard of rock singer Matthew Harrison. The owner of tiny Third Monk Records, which released Harrison’s album, says there’s a simple reason: The company can’t afford the hidden costs of obtaining radio airplay. Jeff Robinson, the label’s sole proprietor, said he doesn’t have the money to hire independent promoters who heavily influence station playlists. “They’ve got it locked up and there’s absolutely no room to do what I’m trying to do,” Robinson said. “And if you can’t get exposure for your product, you’ll never be able to sell any records.”… Read more »


Tool Tap Fantomas For East Coast Tour

While West Coast Tool fans will be treated to King Crimson as show openers, those on the East Coast will be primed by the sonic antics of Fantômas. Though an itinerary is still being plotted, Fantômas, fronted by former Faith No More frontman Mike Patton, are tentatively scheduled to begin their three-week stint with Tool on September 22, according to an Ipecac Records spokesperson. The tour, supporting the band’s second album, The Director’s Cut (see “Patton Scores With Second Fantômas LP”), will be routed to hit major markets such as New York; Boston; Philadelphia; Portland, Maine; Washington, D.C.; Albany, New… Read more »

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