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Alicia Keys May Test New Songs On Summer Tour

You would think that after winning five Grammys and selling close to 5 million albums, Alicia Keys might find time for a summer vacation. On the contrary, the braided wonder is delving deeper into work mode, touring and recording an album. “First I’m finishing up the second half of my tour, which starts July 3 in New Orleans at the Essence festival,” Keys said, outlining her plan of attack. “In the process, I’m always writing, recording, getting out ideas. After I finish this second half of the tour, I’m going to be in the studio hard, working on this next… Read more »


Stipe, Maal Take Giant Leap

Chris Blackwell knew he wanted to be a part of the documentary 1 Giant Leap as soon as musicians Jamie Catto (Faithless) and Duncan Bridgeman played him the rough demos of songs they’d written for the program. The same man whose gut feeling led him to sign Bob Marley and U2 to his Island Records imprint heard what the two musicians had to offer and gave them the green light. “I loved the music of it,” says Blackwell of the documentary due out in March. “I loved the way the music was put together. I loved the different influences of… Read more »


Keys' Album Exceeds Expectations

Alicia Keys says her expectations for her debut album, “Songs in A Minor,” never had anything to do with how well it sold. “Being connected with people, that’s what I hope for,” the 20-year-old Manhattan native says. “Numbers I leave for everyone else to count and calculate.” Well, everyone else has had a lot of calculating to do. The album debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard chart after its release June 26. “We were stunned by the sales,” said Clive Davis, the music-industry veteran who heads up Keys’ label, J records. “Stunned” pretty much sums up the music world’s… Read more »

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