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idobi Fanuary: Rise Of The Superfan

This month, idobi is celebrating our awesome fans—you guys! But our staff writers have been known to embrace their inner super-fangirl from time to time, too. Whether it’s defacing public places with lyrics or dropping everything to fly to another country to see a favorite band play, we’ve all been superfans in our own way. In the spirit of Fanuary, we’ve decided to share a few times we let our music fandom shine.


Top 10 Ten Years Strong

A lot of life has happened in the past ten years. Just think about everything that has consumed the world since 2005—graduations, weddings, the rise of the smartphone, and an entire language understood only by twelve year olds (**insert fourteen emoticons to thank Instagram here**).


PHX – MNL: The Maine’s 8,000 Mile Connection

With everything that goes awry within the walls of the internet today, we cannot deny that it has also brought a lot of the world closer together. So much closer, in fact, that a small band hailing from Phoenix, Arizona could amass an incredible following from across the globe. 8,000 miles across, to be precise.


idobi Writers Rock AP Awards Voting

You know when Oscars season hits and suddenly it’s the only thing anyone can talk about? That’s how we feel about the first Gibson Brands Alternative Press Music Awards – Fueled by Monster Energy Drink. With less than two weeks left until the awards show makes its July 21st debut, at Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we’ve all been picking our favorites and placing our bets—which is exactly what this show is all about.


Tuesday Ten: Summer Road Trip Soundtrack

There’s nothing quite like the feel of summer, and wherever the GPS takes you in the coming months, we’ve compiled our ultimate summer road trip playlists for you in this week’s Tuesday Ten.

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