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CBS Denies $1 Million Payday to Michael Jackson for Interview

Michael Jackson Under Seige: Day 43: CBS and Jackson’s camp yesterday denied a published report that the network added $1 million to the license fee it paid the singer for a prime-time music special to get him to talk to “60 Minutes” about the child molestation charges he faces. “Categorically false” is how CBS News, in a statement, labeled the report, and Jackson adviser Charles Koppelman, who first brokered the music special in September, called the New York Times report “nonsense.” In other Weird and Wacky World of Michael Jackson news, the Nation of Islam held a news conference yesterday… Read more »


Jack White Brawls With Fellow Garage Rocker At Detroit Club

It looks like Jack White’s broken finger has healed at least well enough to throw punches at other garage rockers. The White Stripes frontman was involved in a brawl with Von Bondies singer/guitarist Jason Stollsteimer Saturday night in Detroit’s Magic Stick club, according to police reports. Stollsteimer, who suffered a bloody nose and bruising to his right eye, was treated at Detroit Receiving Hospital and released. White sustained cuts to his left hand. The Von Bondies singer told police that White had tried to speak with him in the club, which was hosting a record release party for alt-country rockers… Read more »


Green Day Unmasked?

The Network might call itself a new band, but exactly how green is this masked group? On September 30, a mysterious five-piece group called the Network, a band “brought together by an ancient prophecy,” released its debut album, Money Money 2020, on the indie label Adeline Records. Now, Internet sleuths believe they’ve sniffed out the true identity of the Network, and all clues point to Green Day. Or so they think. First off, there’s no arguing the Network sounds like a new-wave version of Green Day, with such tunes as “Spastic Society,” “Supermodel Robots” and “Right Hand-A-Rama.” Plus, the band’s… Read more »


Global Music Sales Tumble… Again

The battle-weary music industry surveyed the wreckage of another dismal six months on Wednesday as global data showed music sales tumbled almost 11 percent, piling more pressure on music companies to do deals to survive. Despite big hits from pop queen Christina Aguilera and rapper 50 Cent, Internet downloading and CD-burning continued to ravage the industry, dragging music sales down to $12.7 billion in the first half of this year, a leading industry body said. However, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) indicated the rest of the year may not be so gloomy, with a strong release schedule… Read more »


Downloaders Fighting Back

It’s been the summer of fear online because of the music industry’s campaign to sue file traders. But after millions of instant-message warnings, some 1,600 subpoenas and at least 261 lawsuits, there’s been no discernable effect on piracy. Traffic on Kazaa dipped thirty-five percent after the Recording Industry Association of America announced its new anti-piracy initiative, according to Nielsen/NetRatings. But roughly 4 million users each week are still on Kazaa, and many of them are beyond the reach of the law. One reason the RIAA strategy is having a limited effect is that the organization can pursue only file traders… Read more »


Linkin Park Gets OK for Malaysia Concert

American rap-rock band Linkin Park has received the government’s permission to perform next month in Malaysia – but it won’t be allowed to scream, jump around or wear shorts onstage. The Ministry of Culture and Arts said Wednesday it has approved plans for the band to hold a concert on Oct. 15 at a 50,000-seat stadium in this conservative, predominantly Muslim Southeast Asian country. “The government believes the performance will provide an alternative type of entertainment in Malaysia,” the ministry said, while warning that the rock stars must abide by a strict code of “artist performance ethics.” “Male artists must… Read more »


RIAA Files First Round Of Lawsuits Against Subpoena Targets

Making good on its promise to sue online pirates, the recording industry filed a round of lawsuits against computer users in federal courthouses Monday. More than 260 civil lawsuits were levied against people targeted by the cutthroat campaign, which the Recording Industry Association of America hopes will stamp out the rampant piracy believed to be causing a slump in record sales. The users’ identities were given to the RIAA by their Internet service providers, who were compelled to do so by the more than 1,500 subpoenas that have been filed since July. The first of what may amount to thousands… Read more »


Colleges Try to Stop Music Swapping

Students arriving for fall classes at colleges across the country are facing new restrictions and stern warnings to discourage the swapping of pirated music and movies over high-speed campus Internet connections. Some schools are even using software to choke the amount of data that can flow in or out of a computer when students use Kazaa and other file-sharing programs. And in a new approach disclosed Tuesday, at least a dozen universities are exploring ways to offer students a fee-based music service whose fees could be bundled with room and board costs. “We’re feeling a great deal of pressure as… Read more »


Godstock Canceled Due to the Weather

A 70 mph wind gust came out of dark clouds but with little other warning, blowing equipment, scaffolding and lights off an outdoor stage that one minute earlier was crowded with about 40 people. “To look at that stage, it is just totally amazing not a soul was lost,” Henry Nuxoll, co-organizer of the concert weekend called Godstock, said Sunday. The band Pillar had just finished their set and had been off the stage only one minute when the wind hit Saturday, he said. The surprise wind gust swept over the crowd of more than 3,000 people and blew the… Read more »


White Stripes Show Fans the Finger

The White Stripes rocker, banged up in a car crash last month, makes this perfectly clear on the band’s Website (www.whitestripes.com), posting actual footage from a surgery that inserted three screws into his broken left index finger. Really, a note from the doctor would have sufficed… But, no, White says he wanted fans who bought tickets to shows either canceled or postponed by the dinged digit to “better understand the complexity of the situation.” “A bone in the index finger of my fretting hand was shattered…making it absolutely impossible to play guitar,” White writes on the Website. “I’ve been instructed… Read more »

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