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Make A-Holes Great Again

Listen Up! On todays episode we discussed Brett’s terminator glasses, and play everyone’s favorite game, Who’s the A-Hole … enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow


The Kids Are Always A-Holes

Mike Pense & Kris Krishtie’s House Of Fun, Who’s The A Hole, and if you have kids, keep them inside. The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow [smart_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/brettdavern/brettdavern.3403.mp3″ title=”“’ The Kids Are Always A-Holes””” image=” https://i.ido.bi/assets/2018/03/BDS-Podcast-Logo.jpeg” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true”


How Many A-Holes Do You Have?

How do elephants use their trunks? And Jen Aniston thinks you’re a prick! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow [smart_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/brettdavern/brettdavern.3399.mp3″ title=”“’How Many A-Holes Do You Have? “”” image=” https://i.ido.bi/assets/2018/03/BDS-Podcast-Logo.jpeg” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true”


A-Hole Monday

On Today’s Episode Balenciaga, Beccah, and The Berenstain Bears… Enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow


Airplanes The Whole Time

On Today’s Episode that’s what credit cards are for, airplane shade etiquette, and Intern Alice’s worst nightmare… Enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow


Election Day A-Holes

On Today’s Episode a Stranger Things amendment, two more weeks of winter, and Kendall Jenner’s first cut… Enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow


Who’s The Eh-Hole

On Today’s Episode Martha Stewart, Pete Davidson: The Triple Threat, and Italian Grandmas… Enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 12pm (eastern) 9am (pacific) on idobi Radio at https://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow


Is Brett The A-Hole?

Nathan wants to launder money, there must be something with Brett’s face, and Brett gives Nathan anxiety. ]

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