Flying used to be something that was looked forward to. People would wait all year long, sometimes even multiple years, to save money and be able to fly to that destination–Disneyworld, Europe, Cancun, whatever. Think back to the Pan-AM days or early TWA. Beautiful stuff.
But now with cheaper flights anyone can fly, which leads us to terrible human beings. I question to even call some of them humans because of just how disgusting and awful people are.
We’ve all had annoying flight stories. Be it the person who is just constantly coughing next to you, to the person who decided that it would be a brilliant idea to eat tuna fish with some sort of exotic spice on it and stink up the whole damn plane, to the absolutely crazy ass person who decides that it’s perfectly FINE to take off their socks and shoes and put their feet on YOUR armrest as if there’s nothing wrong. I mean, some people really should face Darwin’s Law that much quicker.

But how about this story?
A passenger that arrived at Toronto Canada’s airport from Russia was found to have nearly 5,000–yes, FIVE THOUSAND–live LEECHES in his carry on bag.
Doing great. Doing just great.
Keep that in mind the next time you’re on an airplane and you see the bag next to you moving for no apparent reason: There may be leeches in there. By the way, 5,000 leeches can go for upwards of $70,000 on the black market because they are in such a high demand.
Feel free to share your own airplane horror stories.
— Gunz