“Thousands of artists in hundreds of homes… for the millions forced to flee theirs. A global act of welcome.”
So reads the tagline for the music initiative that has united thousands of people for one common cause: to raise money in support of the 20M+ refugees worldwide. Sofar Sounds and Amnesty International have teamed up to create Give a Home, a pioneering global day of live music events taking place all over the world, in people’s homes. You’ll be able to catch intimate gigs from 1,000 musicians at over 300 concerts in more than 200 cities globally, this September 20—all for charity.
Among the bands performing are Bad Suns, Band of Skulls, Eliza & The Bear, Frank Turner, Local Natives, Nothing but Thieves, The Griswolds, The Naked and Famous, The National, and hundreds more. Interested? You can enter to win tickets to the act of your choice here—any donation you decide to make will go to Amnesty to help combat the global refugee crisis. Music is a wonderful way to unite people, and bringing everyone together for such an important cause makes this event all the more special.
Head here for more details – “…because we all deserve a home, not just the memory of one.”