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On the fourth day of Christmas idobi sent a plea, please come back to us Victory


On the fourth day of Christmas idobi sent a plea, please come back to us Victory.


Dear Victory Records,

I’m not ashamed to say that I still listen to the same music that I listened to ten years ago. The only difference is that back then, most of the music I listened to came from you. What I want for Christmas is fairly simple, I’d love for you to be the go-to indie record label again. I long for the days of Taking Back Sunday, Spitalfield, The Forecast, and Thursday. I know that times change and the scene does too, but there will always be a part of me that wishes that I could buy a CD with a Victory Records sampler in the back and discover bands that I’ve never known about but instantly fall in love with, a la Action Action. So this is my one Christmas wish to you, Victory Records, please start churning out music that my inner scene kid will refuse to dance publicly to.

Best Christmas Wishes,

Alex Mayes

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