The world is on fire and under flood—yet we’re arguing over why it’s happening rather than how to protect lives. It makes you want to ROAR. But after we scream, we scheme—it’s time for a plan to take care of our world and ourselves. So while you strategize get your energy up! This is the Inbox Jukebox:
Gabbie Hanna – “Out Loud”

There’s nothing wrong with a little nepotism…WHEN your family member is amazing at what they do. That’s what’s happening with Gabbie Hanna’s “Out Loud”, our very own Bruce Wiegner wrote and produced this monster tune that is absolutely eating the iTunes charts. Gabbie’s vocals are all smoke and passion and the r&b flavored track is filled with melodic urgency. We are all in. Congrats, fam.
Tropidelic – “Hey Now”

Is trop-hop-rock a genre? It’s about to be. Tropidelic is on the road right now, bringing their ferocious blend of funk, metal, reggae, and hip-hop straight to you live, gearing up for their new record, Heavy Is The Head, out November 10th. Their latest “Hey Now” is all about the need to be heard—and to hear music that matters—and you can feel it bubbling up in your chest while you nod ya’ head. There’s raw dissonance in the lyrics of “Hey Now”, counterbalanced with the chill harmonics of the horns and keys; further countered by the quiet growl of the guitar. You can call us corny but we’re going to say it anyway, “Cleveland rocks.”
Gift of Gab – “Freedom Form Flowing”

We’d forgotten how much we used to love H.E.R—she’s your girl, hip hop—and then a song comes along to remind us and make us smile the way we did back in the day. That’s what GIFT OF GAB did for us today, along with R.A the Rugged Man, and A-F-R-O. Rather than say thanks to them, we’re going to do something better: Allow us to re-introduce y’all to HIP HOP. Baby, we missed you…
Dua Lipa – “New Rules” (Pink Panda remix)

Y’all know how much we like dark songs that get aggressive on the beats and vocals. Well, we’ve got “New Rules” supplied by Dua Lipa on the Pink Panda remix of this club jam—and we likey.
Anavae – “All or Nothing” (Teaser)

We’ve been told Anavae’s sound is like hanging out with nothing but thieves on a night in Pvris (see what we did there?), and we can definitely hear that. They have the roaring female vocals, the driving rock tracks, the spark of digital, and the demand to be heard. It’s all in there, and it’s all good, but there’s something else here…an intensity, a sense things are about to explode…maybe we’re having a premonition of their future ride up the charts. We cannot wait until Sept 15, to hear their new EP ARE YOU DREAMING? and find out.