Who’s on air this week? Scroll through idobi’s Guest ‘Gram to get the 411.
(P.S. Do people still say 411?)
Dangerous Darrin Show

Photo: Becky DiGiglio
dangerousdarrinshow Matt Caughthran (The Bronx) on Tuesday, 8/13 @ 7pm ET on #idobiRadio
Waldman’s Words

Photo via Facebook
waldmanswords Bob Bradley (musician/publicist) on Tuesday, 8/13 @ 8pm ET on #idobiRadio
Wesam’s World

wesamsworld Guys Night ft. Jonté LeGras + Isiah Adams + William Keesh + Daniel Keesh on Thursday, 8/15 @ 6pm ET on #idobiRadio
Gone Fishkin

Photo: Chase Atlantic by Jordan Knight / Hoodie Allen via Facebook
gonefishkin Chase Atlantic + Hoodie Allen on Thursday, 8/15 @ 9pm ET on #idobiRadio