You know they say that nothing lasts forever, but summer just might if you keep watching Good Charlotte’s new video for “Life Changes”. If you were lucky enough to catch the GC boys live this festival season, you may see yourself in their new music video—it features footage from their time on Warped Tour! You’ll also be able to spot some of your other favorite bands hanging out in a snapshot of what looks like one hell of a summer. So hit play on this huge pop punk anthem off their brand new album Youth Authority, crank up the speakers, and relive GC’s time on Warped 2016!
Look like a show you wouldn’t wanna miss? Of course it does—and lucky for you, you can catch Good Charlotte on their upcoming US Youth Authority tour this fall with support from The Story So Far, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, Hit The Lights, and Big Jesus. Check out all the info here!