Geoff Rickly releases second mixtape

GRGeoff Rickly has released his second mixtape  Darker Matter  over on his Bandcamp page.  It’s available on a pay-what-you-want basis. Geoff posted a blog about the mixtape as well, which you can read below. It includes his west coast tour dates with Vinnie Caruana (I Am the Avalanche, The Movielife).

Hi Friends-

Today I’m putting up my second release,  Darker Matter//Mixtape 2, for free download.  I put it up for you all with gratitude.  Not only am I grateful for your continued support all these years, I’m grateful to be alive.

It’s been widely publicized that I was recently robbed at gunpoint.  You can see stories on it  here,  here  and  here(nice awkward walking shots for the camera, Geoff).  So many of you helped me out with a few dollars where you could.  Some of you were far too kind.  Thank you.

This isn’t why I’m so thankful to be alive, though.  Less widely known, is that this has been the most unbelievably difficult year of my life.  My health has been in question, my outlook has been bleak and my heart has been a broken city.  I’ve stayed busy touring, meeting people, playing music… But, even then, I feel,  I am carried in my shadow like a violin in its black case,” as Tomas Transtromer said.

The steady support and devotion of my friends, family, and bandmates, has kept me going: trying to place one day simply in front of the next.

This is my record of that time.  It is difficult.  And different from anything I’ve done before.  I’m so grateful to still make music on my own terms, anyway that I want… even as I miss my old bandmates more than I can express.

So, yes, this release is free.  If you’d like to pay for it, I will gladly except the help in replacing some of what I recently lost.  Either way, if you are excited aboutcontinued free music, please check out the  All Ages Movement Project.  Because DIY, community-based scenes will always be the life’s blood of music AMP a great resource for it.

As I release this “mixtape”, I’m packing up to leave for a West Coast tour with my true friend Vinnie Caruana, whom I’ve toured with since the early days of The Movielife and Thursday.  Come see us.  Have a drink.  Share a story.  The shows are going to be very small and intimate and we’ll even be closing every night with a bunch of old songs together.

Here are the dates:

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