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What We Think: Brand New Say Goodbye(?)


Rest in peace Brand New. Well, once they’ve said two years’ worth of goodbyes and given us one last album. We think. Okay we believe you, but our spidey senses don’t. The most mysterious band on the scene has caused yet more speculation by announcing their (possible) farewell in 2018 via some merch—and quite understandably, there’ve been mixed reactions from fans, and a whole lot of confusion. Read what idobi staff and writers had to say on the subject that’s sure to encourage more conspiracy theories than the moon landing for the next two years.

Brand New has been teasing this RIP 2018 concept for well over a year (lyric booklets, interviews, a billboard) but I am also a die hard fan and conspiracy enthusiast, so this shirt is just confirmation and the masses are freaking but the underground have been expecting this. The thing is Brand New will never die, it’s been almost half a decade since their last full album with not much touring and they remain relevant because they’re timeless and sort of mystifying. I dream the day they “die” but I appreciate the warning.
– Hannah Hines

Didn’t they say somewhere that they were gonna put out some new music and that would be near the end for them? Maybe 2018 is when that album will come out.
– Jenna Cafora

I feel like I’m one of the few slowly (but surely) getting tired of their games haha. They for sure lost me when they put “Mene” out without saying anything else. Looks like a tactic to keep some traction going, but also feels like another empty hint/sign that they’re alive. I know the album is coming, though. 100%.
– Dana Reandelar

I personally think it’s the end of this era of Brand New whether that means they’re breaking up for good or they’re just taking a break. There’ve been videos of Jesse saying it won’t last much longer but it’s Brand New, the only band you can never make assumptions/speculations about.
– Fish

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