So you wanna break your New Year’s Resolutions, indie style


Whatever you do, wherever you do it, everything is better when you do it indie style. Join the idobi Anthm rebellion and break your New Year’s resolutions like a plaid wearing, beer swilling champ.

So you wanna drink less

Every new year’s resolution to “cut down on drinking” happens on the morning after the big New Year’s Eve party. And we all know drinking less is good for your health, your bank balance, and probably your reputation, so instead of going to your local bar and ending up with a nasty hangover, why don’t you just brew your own beer instead? It’s cheap, pretty easy to do (there’s even a wikihow page for it), and it’s a great business venture for you and your friends. You all know your beer, right? So BYOB: be your own boss. Not only will you be saving money from not drinking, you’ll also be adding to it! Let’s redefine “Alcohol! Because no great story started with a salad” and make it our own this year. (Alex Bear)

So you wanna make new friends

We’ve all had that jerk of a friend we’ve kept in our lives but don’t know why. Ya know, the friend who makes you cover rounds and rounds of drinks without any reciprocation, is always late, and won’t hesitate to hit on your girlfriend or boyfriend. If that’s not you, read on. Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to make good friends, but it’s really not that hard. Have you been checking shady bus stops, Craig’s List, or Nickelback concerts? There are a ton of lonely people out there who would love to be your friend. In fact, some will even pay you to regularly hang out! C’mon, that’s free beer money for when you hang with your jerk friends that you can’t seem to get rid of. Fair warning: you’ll have to be comfortable with neck beards, fedoras, dozens of cats, poor hygiene, t-shirts featuring owls, and World of Warcraft. But, hey, have an open mind and make new “friends” in 2015 (while earning extra cash)! (Eddie Barella)

So you wanna get a new job

Get a job? You sound like your granddad. That, my friend, ain’t indie. Don’t go to work. Work on your beard instead. Once your whiskers are suitably supple, shiny, and sensational, people will start chanting the Lumberjack Song everywhere you go. You’ll be a hairy star. With this kind of marketing buzz you’ll have no choice but to start your own beard related business. And why not? Honest Amish Beard Balm is already out there making beards sexy-smooth one hair at a time. Beardo‘s knitted beard & beanie combos allow you to sew it until you grow it. And by the time the New Year ball drops Beard Baubles will have made an X-mas killing. It’s go time. Stop hanging from dear old granddad’s handlebar mustache and GET ‘CHA BEARD IN THE GAME! (Sherin Nicole)

So you wanna spend less money

Yeah, I get it. Sometimes the wallet can get a little thin and you have to go all Anthony Bourdain with ramen noodles for a week. And after buying gifts for everyone over the holidays, you might consider hosting Top Chef: Instant Ramen edition in your kitchen for the next month. But you know, microwave meals aren’t so bad! And if you’re cutting spending on frivolous things like groceries, you can splurge a little this year on more important things–say, oh, wicked tour lineups, local shows, new music, and sweet, sweet vinyl. (Hannah Pierangelo)

So you wanna get more rest

Being a productive member of society is a great challenge to meet after staying up until an hour that should only be seen by nocturnal creatures. But let’s face it, dozing off early will never take precedence over streaming Netflix, or scrolling through Tumblr. Instead, opt for a substitute–insomnia in a cup. We all know your day can’t really begin without a healthy dose of caffeine in your bloodstream, anyways. Over time, you’ll find coffee will be there during every step of your life, offering a hand up just when you think seventy two hours without sleep is too insane to be possible. Of course, if you’re going to live on java, you’ll want the best gear. Mask your sleep deprived state with a pair of Waveborn’s, or proclaim your love of indie while resting your mug on a coaster that clearly states your feelings towards mainstream music. With coffee on your side, there’s no mountain you can’t climb or all nighter you can’t conquer. This year, let your life motto imitate Cage The Elephant’s wise words… “Ain’t no rest for the wicked”. (Emillie Marvel)

So you wanna watch less TV

You think you’ll only switch the TV on for a few minutes to catch the news, until you realize it’s three hours later and you haven’t got a single thing done, but hey at least you finally know what happened at the end of Breaking Bad. But sometimes it’s good to unwind from the working week, so instead of training to run that marathon (which sounds like a great idea until you realise you get out of breath just walking up the stairs), get out of the house for a movie marathon. There are plenty of great outdoor cinemas in local parks, or historic old movie houses for you to spend your evening (you’re going outside, we’re counting that as exercise). We can guarantee you’ll get more enjoyment out of a brilliant movie for two hours than you will with a whole night of half-watching comedy re-runs while scrolling through Facebook. Turn staring at a screen into an event, something you don’t do all the time, and into a night to remember (in the words of Tom Haverford, sometimes you’ve gotta “Treat Yo’self”). (Alex Bear)

So you wanna travel

Everyone dreams of seeing the world, and chances are you have a list filled with places you’d like to explore. However, travelling seems so much better before you’re stuck with all the inconveniences it causes. Requesting days off work, packing, finding a pet (or child) sitter, waiting in the airport for hours when your flight is inevitably delayed, getting lost, crossing your fingers that Priceline was right about that four star rating on your hotel room. This year, instead of dealing with the stress of a vacation, journey across the world from the comfort of your own record player. Hitch a ride to Dublin, Ireland with The Raglans’ self-titled release, or catch a train to England with Arctic Monkeys’ AM. You could warm up in the California sun with Sir Sly, or head to the Bluegrass State with Melophobia by Cage The Elephant. Denmark is a click away with New Politics in your iTunes collection, and Australia is never out of reach when The Griswolds Be Impressive is at your side. Another advantage of crossing the globe with headphones rather than flights? You won’t have to worry about that smelly dude sitting beside you while you hop continents. (Emillie Marvel)

So you wanna get organized

Who are you, Martha Stewart? Put down the plastic organizers, cleaning supplies, and mason jars (unless you’re having cocktails). Organization is for squares–literally. It’s okay to be a little messy. Or even really messy! There’s a famous Albert Einstein quote: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Don’t let this New Year’s Resolution fool you into finally listening to your mom and cleaning your apartment. Clutter is creativity at work. You really wanna be indie? Ditch the folders and the detailed planners and go with some spontaneity this year; Sheppard would recommend you dive through a waterfall and shout “Geronimo!”. (Hannah Pierangelo)

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