Underworld Tonight Alive


Tonight Alive
Released: 01.12.18
Review by | January 9, 2018 at 6:00 PM

“Breathe be still all is perfect/ your needs they will be met/ we always get what we ask for/ just not in the way we expect”

It’s difficult to be honest, vulnerable and powerful all at the same time. Growing up and growing into who you are is a process we all struggle with. It’s an experience that binds us and forces us to take a deeper look at who we are and where we want to go. Underworld, Tonight Alive’s latest album, could be the perfect catalysis for you to have that conversation with yourself. It’s filled with honest declarations, vulnerable confessions, powerful heart-racing riffs…and hope.

One of the album’s lead singles “Crack My Heart” tackles the growth and evolution we all fight but eventually accept—coming out the other side feeling more at peace and empathetic towards others. Underworld fulfils the self-discovery we’ve only seen glimpses of on Tonight Alive’s previous albums. It seems the inner struggles that have plagued vocalist Jenna McDougall are becoming realized. The track “Looking For Heaven” cites moments of clarity, peace and patience that bridges the gaps between the desperate plea for answers in “Temple”. It’s beautiful. It’s a story. It’s real.

Sonically the album feels organic. Underworld is hard, at times rhythmic, and offers fans plenty of anthemic moments to hold onto. It’s become rare to not only hear a band evolving but to also feel they’re on a personal journey. Tonight Alive is willing to share their insight with the rest of us, coming to terms with the idea that not everything inside of us will feel settled but that there’s always room to grow. There’s hope.

Buy it, Stream it, or Skip it?: Buy it. The longer I sit with Underworld the more I uncover about myself. That’s all I can ask for in an album.

You can pre-order the album now, available everywhere Friday, January 12.

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