
Released: 03.11.16
Review by
Hannah Hines
| March 31, 2016 at 10:30 AM

“I have the faintest recollection of us.”

Into it. Over it.’s third album Standards is a catalyst for the revival and rebranding of emo music as we used to know it. Evan Weiss blocked out the world in creation of this album (literally, in a log cabin in the woods) and the result seems to be the creation of a new world inhabited with shadowy metaphors and captivating sound dimensions.

The introspective lyrics on Standards backed by Weiss’ articulate yet dreamy vocals allow for a true meditative listening experience. Maybe surprisingly, many songs don’t demand singing along, particularly “Old Lace & Ivory” and “Your Lasting Image” because they have so much depth lyrically. While the album does have an overall relaxed mood and warm production, it gives itself the freedom to express the punk roots evident on previous albums, with songs such as “Vis Major” and “Adult Contempt”. For a collective piece that evidently isn’t afraid to take its time, the guitar and drum work are especially intricate.

Standards is not a continuation of previous work, but an expansion on them that shows maturity and patience. From the album artwork to the production style and writing process, everything about Into it. Over it.’s latest supports the growing DIY scene that is bringing emo back to life.

Buy It, Stream It, or Skip It?: Stream It first. If you like it I think you’ll find, as I did, that it is worth buying.

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