
Released: 07.13.18
Review by
Emillie Marvel
| July 13, 2018 at 3:30 PM

“I’m flying high on the wings of a wasted life”

Take a trip to outer space with the new DREAMERS EP, Launch. At only four tracks long it’s a speedy listen but one that feels a little bit like a personal revolution. From the very first notes it’s easy to get lost in the beats and the lyrics and, most importantly, their funky way of delivering them.

The band describes themselves as “cosmic rock” and there’s really no other way to put it. Spacey elements, unusual vocal tricks, and synths shine on lead track “Screws”. Even if you haven’t broken up with anyone lately you’ll be screaming along with the band when they sing, “Never as lonely as when I’m alone with you”.

On the flip side of the effects and intergalactic music travel, vocalist Nick Wold shows an impressive grit throughout the collection. Beyond the clever composition of each song he has a strong voice that insists on shining through. It boosts the EP from a novelty listen to a staple in your collection—y’know, the kind of CD that ends up so ~well loved~ you can’t even find half of the case anymore.

And while we’re giving out accolades for impressive features, we can’t forget to mention the emotional span. With only four songs they convey everything, from the uplifting words in “Fake It” to the in your face frustration of “Karma”. There’s no doubt you’ll find a song for every mood.

Rather than waste time on filler tracks DREAMERS cut right to the chase and delivers their best material to date. Bravo, guys.

Buy It, Skip It, Stream It: Buy it and prepare for lift off.

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