Woot! The bitch slap team has reamped their studio in preperation for the new show Get Fucked Up Fridays, what does this mean for all of you loyal Bitch Slap Fans, no mic issues, cooler sound effects, less tech issuess, and an all around better monday night show! On the show tonight we will unvail more details about the new friday night show Get Fucked Up Fridays! We will have Fat Matt playing will matt fuck it, much more. We dont really feel like talking about Health Care, or the bill so all you people out their expecting it can suck it! Also on the show tonight we will play some new music, and we start back up the bitch slap band of the week!!! Oh yea the bitch slap band of the week! We have a brand new Bitch Slap of the week, as well as all sorts fo crazy Saint Pattys day left over fun! So get ready all this and more on tonights show! Tune in at 10:30 Pm Est, Twitter us @DjPankake IM us AIM : Bslapradio and sure why not skype us SN: LoonaticTV or!!!!!! CALL US! 561-623-9079 Thats right we have a phone line, finally