So guess who’s been nominated Best DJ for Paper’s Nightlife Award?
Next Tuesday, we’ll find out if Josh wins in his category for Best DJ – and why wouldn’t he? But that’s next week.
Back to regularly scheduled programming, tonight’s First Person features some very special guests joining Josh to bring you some hot new music. This is one episode you won’t want to miss. Tune in at 8pm EST to find out who’s joining him, only on idobi Radio.
Also, don’t forget to submit your playlists for Josh to play during the month of October. It’s Listener’s Choice Month, brought to you by AERIAL7 and Go Deep.
Until then, we leave you with this video…
[vimeo video_id=”28230653″ width=”650″ height=”366″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]
Submit your playlist for Listener’s Choice Month in October:
[contact-form 4 “First Person Contest”]