We’re excited to be bringing you the premiere of “To Dream,” the beautiful new single from Minneapolis-based quartet Author. Recorded with Copeland’s Aaron Marsh, the song is a lush, piano-driven soundscape perfect for late night summer drives. Hear it now only on idobi!
We also talked with vocalist/guitarist Trevor Bartlett to catch up on everything that’s going on with the band right now – read the interview here.
We definitely learned a ton with the first release – to do’s and not to do’s. We sold over 1200 copies in a year independently and with no distribution. We did a strict “pay what you feel” motto for sales of the record, which was a huge success. This full-length is no different. Once it’s released it will be available for download for name your price. Our music is of such importance to us that we feel it needs to be given to everyone no matter what the amount.