by N. Renee Brown

My mother grew up in a time before Roe v. Wade. She, a staunch Christian from Missouri, got misty-eyed when she talked about the GIRLS she knew in middle and high school who died from home abortions.
She told me girls would stick hangers up their vaginas in an effort to induce miscarriages. They would often end up killing themselves in the process. And for the ones who were unsuccessful, well, let’s just say there was a very popular bridge over a very fast-moving river. Those were the options they were faced with.
Today, we as a country have resurrected the dark times that my mother was so thankful were over. Today, we have turned our backs on women who may have no other choice, women who (make no mistake) are overwhelmingly MINORITIES AND POOR. We are trapping women in relationships they don’t want, that may be abusive or downright dangerous. We are telling these women—no, we are telling ALL WOMEN they are not smart enough, strong enough, or trustworthy enough to make their own decisions. We are telling ALL WOMEN America is not a safe place to make one bad decision (although it took two to make it), lest we be given no choice—and if it is a life-threatening pregnancy that decision could end in death.
We are telling ALL WOMEN, today: You are nothing more than chattel…property…breeders.
We’re informing the whole world that we care so little for half of our population that we are willing to turn our backs on them when they are backed into a corner. We don’t care if they have been raped, victims of incest, or are in danger of losing their lives.
This act tells women we don’t care.
America doesn’t care.
Now is the time to look up your local representatives in government—figure out where they stand on women’s issues, and if they DON’T stand for you, don’t vote for them. If they DO stand for you, write to them and encourage them to keep the faith during this horrible time.
Reach out to women in other states, offer a safe place to land if they need to come to your area for an abortion. Offer money to help them travel. Offer support if they are afraid or scared.
We are now faced with the fallout of a time after Roe v. Wade. There are likely to be many casualties, not only in the loss of women’s lives and our sense of safety, but also in the nation that demands children be born but refuses to care for or protect them after birth!
Vote and keep watch, my friends, for this is only the beginning.
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