You never forget your first. You know, that first time hearing an opening riff to a song that’s going to rule your speakers for the foreseeable future. Or when a chorus hits and it only needs to be heard once before you can scream along to it like you’ve known it your entire life. It’s what music is all about—now Radio Uprising is here to make that experience a regular occurrence. Showcasing the greatest bands and artists that tomorrow has to offer, you might hear their tunes on idobi today, and then maybe someday in an arena.

Larger than life: “Home”
There’s no denying that UK band Royals sport a sound remarkably similar to that of pop-punk mainstays Hit the Lights or Neck Deep. It makes sense—the group recorded their last EP with Neck Deep’s Seb Barlow, but Royals’ more recent music has them carving out a sound of their own as distinct vocals are draped over pop sensibilities with a punkier twist. As a result, they’re immensely fun and, most importantly, unbelievably catchy. It’s a consistent trend of theirs whether listening to older material or something new.
FFO: idobi Radio
Burn the Louvre

Makes you fall in love: “Hey Stacey”
A solo project turned into a duo, Burn the Louvre vocalist Jordan Speare quickly realized there is strength in numbers. An instant bond was formed when fellow member and guitarist Sean Cooper responded to an online ad that Speare forgot to take down when he was looking for musicians—that connection comes across loud and clear on songs off Silhouettes, their forthcoming album. The indie-pop band is ripe with twangy guitar and soft vocals and as easy as it was for them to unite, it’s just as easy to listen to them.
FFO: Anthm
Horizon Ignited

The reason why speakers should be louder: “Servant”
There’s something in the water in Finland. Horizon Ignited is one of the metal bands from there that you’ve got to keep an eye on. Shrieking screams, guttural growls, and bellowing clean vocals make for a combination that doesn’t make too much sense until you give it a listen. Their new album, Towards the Dying Lands, is a big-spirited and visceral take on the genre that provides plenty of hooks but loads of technical riffs that’ll grab the listener and refuse to let it go. It’ll only take getting through the first song to realize how special they are.
FFO: Howl
Stay Safe

Melodic perfection: “Goosebumps”
If New Found Glory were from the UK, they would most likely be Stay Safe. The pop-punk quintet have made an immediate impact after forming last year, concocting circle-pit-ready easycore tunes that you could probably hear on radio stations, too. Infectious melodies and relatable lyricism already run rampant on what they’ve released so far. We can only imagine that the best is yet to come when they drop their debut EP and firmly place their stamp on the genre later this summer.
FFO: idobi Radio