We are so close to Paramore releasing This is Why that it’s about to put us in a coma. If you were at their Nashville release party, then you got another peek into their sixth studio album. During an encore, the band played the brand new song “Running Out of Time”. It’s already possibly the most relatable song yet for us non-Type A people out there. Hayley Williams told the crowd, “This is a song about how I’m always late to everything. It’s not that deep… it’s really not that deep. Unless you want to think about the planet dying, and then it can be that deep.”
Leading up to the album release, we’ve gotten to hear three singles: “C’est Comme Ça”, “This is Why”, and “The News”. With nearly six years in between albums, we are itching for This is Why to drop. In the meantime, watch the fan footage of “Running Out of Time” below!