Class of 2020, it’s time to raise your solo cups and turn idobi up. We know graduation might normally be a time of itchy robes, overly long speeches, and tearful goodbyes—so idobi is here to make staying home a way better ceremony option. Announcing: idobi Class of 2020 Punk & Circumstance: Graduation Kickback! Our graduation block party will air on idobi Radio on Friday May 29th at 6pm ET.

idobi’s graduation kickback will feature your favorite artists, actors, and industry insiders celebrating + dedicating songs to you, the class of 2020. What’s more, founding father of Warped Tour, Kevin Lyman will provide the most punk AF commencement speech in history.
And we’re not done yet! If you think you’re the most punk AF kid in your class, there’ll be a chance to win a $1000 scholarship and be voted idobi Valedictorian—head here for more details on how to claim your throne!
Until then, if you’re in the Class of 2020, here’s your final assignment: Submit your name & school to us below for a roll call on the air. Who needs to walk across the stage when you can rock out from home—only on idobi Radio.
Tune in to idobi Class of 2020 Punk & Circumstance:
Graduation Kickback on Friday May 29th at 6pm ET on idobi Radio:
Submit your name + high school/university for an idobi shoutout:
[contact-form-7 id=”368247″ title=”Graduation Kickback submission form”]