Frank Iero has had, and continues to have, an incredible career. From My Chemical Romance to his many solo projects and most recently L.S. Dunes, he has made memories that last a lifetime. And a lot of those memories can be found within his expansive collection of guitars and gear. But Frank has revealed that he is going to be sharing some of his collection with fans, so that they can own a piece of his journey.
Frank has launched the store alongside Reverb, known for allowing musicians the space to sell on their gear. And in terms what Frank has put up for sale, it is a treasure trove of treats.
Here is the list of what is available, with some comments from Frank on what each thing means to him.
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2000s Fender Telecaster 72 Deluxe Reissue – “I loved using this guitar on MCR’s The Black Parade touring cycle.”
An Ampeg 8×10 Bass Cabinet—”If road-worn cabinets are your thing, this is the holy grail. Originally owned by Mikey Way, then gifted to me. This cabinet was originally stage used in MCR, then Leathermouth, by me in Reggie and the Full Effect, and in The Love Cats, then painted pink and black for [my solo projects].”
A Nash T-72 DLX—”This originally belonged to James Bowman, guitar player of Against Me!. He played it when they toured with Green Day on the Revolution Radio Tour. I then purchased it from him and used it to record “The Unfortunate” on Barriers, an album I did with the Future Violents that we recorded with Steve Albini in Chicago at Electrical Audio.”
An Epiphone Black Les Paul—”This is the first Les Paul I ever owned, probably paving the way for my future affinity for Epiphone Les Pauls later on in life. This particular LP was smashed during a Pencey Prep show.”
An Orange 4×12 Guitar Cabinet—”This cabinet has seen quite a few shows. Originally painted for Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, this cab was stage used in MCR for the full run of that record cycle until the band’s last show in 2012. Later, the cabinet was painted over black and pink and used in all three [of my] solo incarnations.”
There is also a Series 10 four-string bass, which was actually Frank’s first bass. It was originally black and then painted white to be used in the video for “Joyriding”. And finally, 1970’s Ludwig Blue Vistalite Drum Set, which was used during the recording of Danger Days.
Incredible, right? Everything can be found right here, and you can see a preview of everything available in the video below: