Can we all agree that we didn’t realize just how long we would be inside? At this point we’ve all had to say goodbye to some of our 2020 plans, including concerts and festivals. Luckily for us, entertainers everywhere have gone the extra mile to provide us with content like we’ve never seen before.
Block By Block West is a virtual festival happening this Saturday, May 16th at 3:00pm ET. The lineup includes artists like grandson, FEVER 333, and IDLES. Where can you find it? Well… Minecraft!
The festival was originally set for April 25th but the server was not able to handle the amount of attendees. You can watch their tutorial below on how to be a part of the event below. According to the video, you’ll need Minecraft’s Java Script, which will equal out to the “price of a concert ticket”. It will also include mini games, art galleries, and other experiences. The proceeds will go towards Covid-19 relief.