So, I don’t know if you’ve heard but 2020 has been super weird y’all (anyone remember murder hornets?). Amongst the never ending tidal wave of rapid-fire earth-shattering events this year has thrown at us, the CIA released previously classified footage of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (previously known as UFO) and it barely even registered on most American’s radar. Well this week, in a beautiful reprieve from the deafening political noise, pop stars Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato have shared their own recent encounters with UFO’s.
In an interview with Rick Owens released earlier this week, Cyrus jumped at the first opportunity to talk about extraterrestrial beings. She told the story of driving with a friend when suddenly they both saw what she described as “a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow.” She did admit that it’s possible that the whole event could have been a hallucination, but not only did she and her friend see the “flying snowplow,” apparently other people stopped on the road to see too.
“I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.”

“There were a couple of other cars on the road and they also stopped to look, so I think what I saw was real.”
As if just witnessing the aerial phenomena wasn’t enough, Cyrus was shaken by a strangely intimate moment. She told Owens, “I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object. It looked at me and we made eye contact and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around”
Miley wasn’t the only one spilling her guts about aliens, Demi Lovato also shared her story, though unfortunately it didn’t involve weed wax from a sketchy van. In a recent Instagram post, Lovato explained that over the past few months she has been spending her quarantine time learning about E.T.s and the science of consciousness. She told her followers she has, “experienced not only peace and serenity like [she’s] never known but […] also witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from [her].”
Recently, she has been diving deep into the world of consciousness, working with Dr. Steven Greer to attempt to make contact with extraterrestrial beings out in Joshua Tree, CA. If anyone is seeking an expert in UFOs, Greer is definitely your guy. The retired traumatologist founded both Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which urges the U.S. government to provide full disclosure of extraterrestrial findings. The pair believe making contact is an integral part of healing our earth. Lovato explained that “If we were to get 1% of the population to meditate and make contact, we would force our governments to acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us and change our destructive habits destroying our planet.”
How does mass meditation prove that we are not alone, and how does that relate to solving climate change? I’m not sure. But I am ABSOLUTELY here for the ride.