*now playing*

The Gunz Show – Interview with Mr. Belding of Saved By The Bell

I had the opportunity for Dennis Haskins, aka Mr. Belding from, “SAVED BY THE BELL,” to come into The Gunz Show studios and speak with me.   He talked about his love for music – shouted out some Gunz Show favorites such as Mod Sun, Pat Brown of Sing It Loud, and MEST. He also talked about his love for sports, and of course he talked about the behind the scenes drama / experience / fun that was Saved By The Bell.   It’s a long, but fun interview… so check it out!

IN TIMES: 1:55 :   Talks about Mod Sun / Pat Brown…
10:00 : Mistakes about Saved By The Bell cast…
10:30: Talks about WWE – THE MIZ / Zack Ryder…
15:30: Talks about how he got the Principal Belding role..
18:30:   The taping schedule of Saved By The Bell.. how his “hey, hey, hey!” came about and more!
19:00: Talks about Kelly Kapowski.. Screech.. Zack Morris.. A.C. Slater… the whole gang!