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11 Up-And-Coming Artists That Every AFI Fan Should Be Listening To

Despite all the territory they’ve covered in their near-thirty tenure, AFI retains an impressively conspicuous identity. It’s the Tim Burton condition in which, despite rejecting the confines of any categorical genre with each new release, they have an innate flair that renders them instantly recognizable. But that’s not to say that they exist outside the realm of reasonable comparison. We scoured the alternative underground to prove that point. And while we can’t promise the recreation of that first magical moment you first heard Sing The Sorrow, we did pluck a handful of new music recommendations from the AFI ethos.  Representing… Read more »


Dylan's 'Love And Theft' Evokes America

Since Bob Dylan’s Grammy-winning album “Time Out of Mind” was released four years ago, the 60-year-old rock master has played 460 live shows, soaking up the cheers from crowds around the world. He feeds off his Never Ending Tour, dancing, grinning, cracking jokes, engaging in guitar duels with his band, then standing at solemn attention, his suit coat soaked with sweat, bending in a deep bow before leaving the stage. In the spring he went into the studio to give some of the energy back, and the result is “Love and Theft,” an album already hailed as one of the… Read more »

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